Larger buildings produce a greater number of Rangers. When a USA structure is destroyed, the occupying Rangers emerge from the structure.Supporting the USA fighting forces are the structures to provide maximum power, steady supplies and the best in battlefield information. Its Comanches provide outstanding close air support (CAS) for ground forces and its Stealth Fighters can deliver heavy ordnance deep behind enemy lines. No side can match the USA advantage in the air.
Everyone agrees, though, that it costs plenty of money and power to keep the USA wheels moving forward. However, some believe its isolationist policies have softened its war machine. From its well-equipped and expertly trained Rangers to the top-secret Particle Cannon, the USA side is rarely caught at a technological disadvantage. The United States has the most sophisticated arsenal. The best weapons in the world have "USA" stamped on their side. The sub-committee recommends to the Security Council that it continue to maintain an open channel with the GLA, to establish a clear set of boundaries for Chinese activity and to communicate the need for USA participation in peacekeeping initiatives before the Council loses its influence on the situation. The United States denies the sub-committee’s claim that eventually the GLA will cross paths with USA forces in Asia or elsewhere in the world. The United States would be the logical choice to buttress Chinese efforts to contain the GLA, but the United States continues to maintain its non-involvement in this matter. If China succeeds in forcing out the GLA, it is difficult to predict where the group will resurface. Scattered intelligence reports arriving from Europe and Asia indicate that the GLA has established and funded sleeper cells to further spread its sphere of influence.
USA military forces have remained in port and on base, venturing out only to secure its coastline. The Council’s refusal to support United States counter-terrorist initiatives in the Middle East in recent years has not been forgotten. While the United States continues to provide orbital reconnaissance to the Security Council, it has failed to contribute troops to peacekeeping efforts in the region. Several divisions of the Red Army have established positions in the province along major roadways and rivers. The Chinese government is furious and has refused to allow observers to mediate discussions with the GLA. Dangerous levels of radiation have been detected over 100 kilometres downwind. Last week, the GLA struck a military depot at Yecheng, stole thousands of rounds of munitions and destroyed a nuclear power plant. Beijing has repeatedly stated that these changes are here to stay, a position that does not sit well with the GLA. The reforms in China’s "Modern Way" program have produced new civil liberties and excellent growth in Chinese exports, particularly in light manufacturing and agricultural products. GLA funding continues to grow from unknown sources and its leadership remains a mystery.įor the Beijing government, this incursion along its western border could not have come at a worse time. Last year, this group without borders crossed into Western China and began building popular support for an independent state in this remote region. By distributing forces and leadership across the borders of these developing nations, the GLA has thwarted efforts to engage in meaningful dialogue. A loose federation of freedom fighters and terrorists, the GLA has established several strongholds in the republics of Central Asia. Report to Security Council: Situational Report (SIT REP) on GLA Activitiesįor several months, observers have expressed concern over the activities of the Global Liberation Army (GLA). Security Council Sub-Committee (Resolution 1379) on Global Liberation Army 1 Security Council Sub-Committee (Resolution 1379) on Global Liberation Army.